Fundamentals workshop

The Wim Hof Method is a science-based method consisting of three components:

mindset & focus | breathing techniques |cold training

The interaction between these components ensures that you are able to influence your own immune system.

Program from noon - 6 p.m. | max 20 people

Stress control | breathing training| cold training with an ice bath session 

Discover & experience the benefits

coping with stress | relaxation | better concentration | control your breathing | new sources of energy | knowledge about relaxing | better fat burning | ice bath experience

Find peace and learn how to increase your mental and physical strength.

Experiencing it yourself?
€ 95,- p.p. incl coffee/tea/water, fruit and healthy snacks.
The workshops are given by René Valk & Irene Duijm.

Data 2024
29 september | 15 en 17 december

Wim Hof Method Fundamentals workshop at Fort Resort Beemster
Breathing Session Breathing Session Wim Hof Method


In 1.5 hours, trainer René Valk helps you improve your breathing with various techniques. The class begins with a brief introduction of the Wim Hof Method. Then you bring your awareness to body and breath for different breathing techniques. The class concludes with a short meditation.

From 7:30 - 9 p.m.

To experience for yourself
€ 32, - p.p.
The workshops are provided by René Valk & Irene Duijm.

18 september

Workshop dates

18-09 Powerbreathing
29-09 Fundamentals workshop
03-11 Advanced workshop
15-12 en 17-12 Fundamentals workshops

Book through

Want to enjoy a snack and drink after your workout? You can visit our Poterne Restaurant.

Still want to enjoy the wellness? Then book on time an evening entrance.

Fort hall for meetings and events at Fort Resort Beemster
Wim Hof method advanced workshop at Fort Resort Beemster

Advanced workshop

In the Advanced Workshop we go a step further than the Fundamentals workshop. It is therefore nice if you have some experience with the mindset, breathing techniques and cold training.
In this workshop we refresh the knowledge and experience from the Fundamentals workshop. Soon we will dive into depth and you will be further challenged to put the techniques into practice.

Program from noon - 6 p.m. | max 20 people

Breathing sessions Wim Hof Method and powerbreathing | brown fat | natural water and ice bath

To feel is to understand
Through breathing sessions and various cold challenges, you take a journey through your brain that stimulates your senses and lets you discover the power of your body. Now you really learn why Wim does what he does and feels what he feels. Then you experience the meaning of "to feel is to understand.
A workshop that you will remember forever and make a connection for life.

Want to experience it yourself?
€ 95,- p.p. incl coffee,tea, water, fruit and healthy snacks. The workshops are given by René Valk & Nancy Kooij.

November 3, 2024

Special place, unique night out

What are you looking for?
