From fortress to wellness resort

About Fort Resort Beemster

Stylish and unique
Whoever walks into Fort Resort Beemster immediately experiences a special atmosphere. This historic place is unique and radiates warmth. The interior is stylish and the team immediately makes guests feel warm and welcome. We are unique in everything; from special use of materials and to a surprising pampering breakfast and a farewell gift at check-out for our hotel guests. We think about who we want to be and how we can continue to surprise our guests.

Attention with and for each other
Fun, humor and genuine interest in the people around us. Real connection, with the guest, but also with our colleagues. We express appreciation to each other, greet each other and wish the other the best. What do our guests appreciate so much? That we do the right thing at the right time. For example, making a marriage proposal extra special or putting a group of volunteers in the limelight with a wonderful wellness day. In this way, even guests with a lesser experience become the best ambassadors. In our team there is room for developments, ideas and we deal honestly with each other. With a smile we provide excellent service and give our guests the 9+ feeling. We achieve successes together, we share them with each other and we are noticeably proud of them.

Passion for innovation
We and our guests love it. Thus, we are always busy improving our fortress and developing new facilities and treatments to delight our guests. The world is changing, so are we. With an ever improving range of facilities, treatments and products tailored to the needs of our guest, while also thinking of the environment. At Fort Resort Beemster, everyone comes up with new ideas and we develop them together. This is how we become even better every day.


Exactly one hundred years after its construction, the Fort on Nekkerweg will begin a new life as a hotel and wellness resort in 2012. The men's quarters where soldiers slept a century earlier have been transformed into luxurious hotel rooms.

Fort along Nekkerweg was not part of the original design of the Defence Line of Amsterdam, as established in 1880. The fort was not added to the alignment until later. It was located two kilometers north of the ring dike and created a kink in the main defense line. 

The fort is constructed of concrete compartments of five meters each. First the concrete walls were poured up to the "kink" of the ceiling. Then these spaces were filled with sand, over this came a wooden shuttering. The imprint of the wooden bulkheads is still visible in the vaulted ceiling. Over this wooden formwork, a new layer of concrete was then poured for the ceiling. During the renovation, it became clear with what precision construction was done at the time, to the millimeter. It also turned out that the foundation was still in excellent order. All piles were neatly under water and there was no sign of pile rot.

different functions of the forT

In its history, the Fort along Nekkerweg has hosted various groups. Initially, of course, to soldiers during the mobilization for World War I. But a few years after its completion, other users arrived as well. At the end of 1917, the fortress, together with the Fort near Spijkerboor located further away, was designated as a military house of custody. For two years, the former men's rooms principled conscientious objectors were detained.held. Immediately after World War II, the fort was also used as a prison.

In the 1950s and 1960s, the fort was used as a dismantling fort for old ammunition and storage for explosives. After that, the fort stood empty for twenty-eight years before being transformed into Fort Resort Beemster.

Construction forts Defence Line of Amsterdam

Historical details

Many historic details were reused, such as the lamps, window frames and steel doors. Also, the original drinking water supply is reused. The sand layer on the roof captures the rainwater. By pumping the rainwater through the original treatment plants, the water is filtered and stored in the three clean water cellars. From here, the water is pumped back for use in the new water supplies for toilet and shower water.

Very special is that the original concrete outer wall of the fort has become visible. At all other forts, this wall is hidden under a thick coating of sand, earth and grass. Against the outer wall, two new areas have been built: the wellness restaurant and the conference room. Here you have a good view of this impressive concrete wall. Despite its new luxurious function, the fort has managed to retain its robust appearance as a military structure.

Double UNESCO World Heritage Site

Fort Resort Beemster is part of the Defence Line of Amsterdam. The Defence Line of Amsterdam was declared a World Heritage Site in 1996. Fort Resort Beemster is also located in the middle of the beautiful Beemster Polder. The Beemster Polder was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1999 .

Special place, unique night out

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